Your horse is even better than you think and we can prove it!
Margie Engle

“I never realized how much of a difference a saddle could make until I rode in my first County Innovation. Now, all my Grand Prix horses are in County’s and my husband, veterinarian Steve Engle, can’t believe the difference in our horse’s backs and attitudes!”

-Margie Engle
USA, Olympian

Robert Dover

“I have never ridden in a more comfortable saddle than my County Perfection and the difference in my horses is remarkable. I started my career in County’s and after trying everything else in the world, I’m back in County’s."

-Robert Dover
USA, Olympian

Georgina Bloomberg

"County saddles are by far the most comfy I have ever sat in. My back aches less now that I have a softer saddle and I can spend more time riding. My horses are happier and are able to use themselves better than ever thanks to the new fit of the saddles."

-Georgina Bloomberg
USA, 2012 Olympian candidate

Heather Mason

"I am extremely happy with my County Perfection. My Grand Prix gelding, Respekt, has always been very elastic, and therefore bouncy - this saddle has made him much easier to sit. I noticed immediately that Respekt was more free in the shoulder and supple in the back when I switched to the Perfection. I am able to sit more deeply and ride more effectively which gives him the confidence and support he needs as a first year Grand Prix horse. My only regret is that I did not try the saddle earlier in his career as I am sure it would have made both our lives easier!"

-Heather Mason

Amber Mitchell

"County saddles are the most well balanced and well fit saddles I have ever ridden in. My horses truly perform better because of the customized fit provided by my County rep. I am more effective because my leg is so still and close to my horses' sides.

Not only that, but the saddles are the most comfortable too! With County saddles, there is virtually no break in time. I jumped a clear round in a jumping "derby" with 26 jumps including water, a slide, devil's dike, etc. - all of this during the second time I ever rode in my County Innovation!"

-Amber Mitchell

Kristin Schmolze

"My horses’ comfort is very important to me. The level of questions I ask of them at competitions and on a daily basis requires them to be feeling their best with no restrictions. In County saddles, my horses are able to move freely and forward with no discomfort. This shows in our results, and is expressed in their attitude towards working. Our dressage scores have improved while riding in County saddles. Their jumping and form over fences have progressed as well. I only trust County Saddlery for my horses comfort and happiness."

-Kristin Schmolze

Gary Brewster

“With County you get more than a saddle. You get the expertise of the trained representative who explains how the saddle is affecting the horse. Adjustments are made to the saddle as necessary for the optimum fit. This makes County my only choice in saddles.”

-Gary Brewster

Gabrielle Mann

“"Big Easy" and I have logged over 1,800 miles in our County saddle. The Perfection allows me to stay in perfect balance over extreme conditions and terrain encountered over 100 mile rides. Being a 6' rider on a 15 hand horse could be a saddle fitting nightmare, but Easy's back has never been better! 2009 Pan Am Team Silver.”

-Gabrielle Mann
Rider, Author

Felicitas Von Neumann-Cosel

“Working to develop your best possible position on the horse is a personal journey, the hunt for the holy grail. We all strive for "perfection" but I could never get close without my "Perfection" by County. Like nothing I have ever ridden in, it helps me to find great balance so that my horse can find his as well".”

-Felicitas Von Neumann-Cosel